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How to make tough Decisions
By Karan Bajaj

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Hello, I’m Karan Bajaj

Today we’ll talk about that one principle that will always help you make the right decision whenever you’re at a crossroad.

Friends, you’ve often noticed that you’re debating between two decisions.

Should I leave this job in which I’m very happy or partially happy? Should I join a start-up or begin my own business? Should I or shouldn’t I stay in what is a pleasant relationship?

You must be debating these decisions often. And your instinct is always telling you to do it. But you don’t know if it’ll backfire in the long term. Will you regret the decision? Just like you, I’ve also often debated these decisions. travel and write my novel. and learn yoga. Whether I should become a full-time writer after that? Should I leave Discovery Channel and begin my own start up? I often debated these huge decisions. Now I’ve understood the framework that helps me make the right decisions. And in such a way that even if the decisions don’t work out I don’t have any regret because I know the decision was the right one. And the framework was, always make decisions of growth. Never make decisions of fear, worry, what people might say, what will happen next? Always make decisions of growth. I’ve realized that if I count the decisions in my life there are really only two kinds of decisions. There’s either a decision of growth or a decision of fear and worry. But you should always pick the decision to grow because it will payout in the long term.

Now I’ll give you two examples. One, in which I’ve used a framework to make the right decision. Second, in which I’ve not used any framework and made the wrong decision. So the first, a right decision. Should I leave Discovery Channel and begin my own start-up? That was a huge decision for me at the time because I had two small school-going kids. I had aging parents and an ever-growing list of expenditures. I was starting a tech company in the midst of all that. And as you know, the success rate So should I take the decision Obviously, my friends and family were advising me against it. But very quickly, I made my evaluations and took the decision. I thought to myself that if I create my own tech company then I’ll understand the fundamentals of tech. And that’s the most important skill in life. If I know how tech is made then I’ll grow a lot as a person, as a professional even if the company doesn’t work. I took the decision when I thought about that. I also had feared at the time. What will happen if I have to hunt for a job But those were all decisions based out of fear. I took the decision of growth. And obviously in the long term, initially it was very difficult but it turned out to be successful. Now I’ll give you an example of an opposite decision. I didn’t use the framework and made the wrong decision. called The Boston Consulting Group. The company was great but I quickly understood that what I’m learning there Excel analysis, retail channel backend all those things wouldn’t help me in my long term goals. I thought about quitting. But I kept hanging on there for some reason because I had a fear.

If I leave my job so soon, how will it reflect on my resume? What will my new employers say? Will I get another job? What will people say?

Because of these fears I continued in that job. And I realized that during the time I spent there I had no personal or professional growth. I knew I wouldn’t grow professionally. But whenever there’s a negativity in a job it impacts your entire life. Even personally, there was no growth. So in summary, there are two kinds of decisions. The first decision was to start my own company, to learn new technology. And that was the decision for growth. There were quite a few ups and downs, but in the long term, it has been successful. The second decision was based out of fear. I shouldn’t leave this job because I’m afraid of what other employers might say. What will happen in the future? That was a decision based out of fear and worry which completely hindered my personal and professional growth. So always take decisions of growth. There will be short-term ups and downs. But it will always be successful in the long term. Never take decisions of fear, worry, what will people say, what will happen to me? Even if those decisions don’t seem to affect you in the short term they will backfire in the long term.

So how do make tough decisions? 

Always make decisions of growth. Was this advice useful to you? What decisions have you taken that have been successful? And what has been unsuccessful and why? Definitely leave me a note in the comments. I’m Karan Bajaj and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.

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