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How to Change your Life Now
By Karan Bajaj

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I’m Karan Bajaj and today we’ll discuss how to immediately transform your life if you aren’t able to achieve what you want to. Friends, if I look back and notice the most significant transformative years, there’s one principle that always stands out. The years in which I’ve made and created things, be it my novels or TV channels, or it’s been my company, White Hat Jr. Every year that I’ve created something my life had been completely transformed. And life didn’t always turn out to be a success. My second novel ‘Johnny Gone Down’ was quite successful. My third novel ‘The Seeker’ did not do well at all. But each year that I created something, my life was transformed. So I have one advice to immediately transform your life that is to create something tangible and see it through fully. It could be something as small as a blog or a YouTube channel. Or it could be a big endeavor like writing a book or forming your own company.

Just remember these three principles, no matter what you do.

  1. Make or create something of your own.
  2. It should be tangible and in the public domain. It should be something that people can see.
  3. The third is that you show up and see it through fully.

Let’s say, you’ve decided to start a blog. Like the others don’t abandon it after one post. You keep posting on the blog everyday or every other day and you show up everyday and get it done. If you stick to these three principles, I guarantee that your life will be completely transformed. Why does it happen that when you’re doing a creative project your life slowly and eventually transforms? This is because no matter what the project, big or small, your thoughts, ideas, life learnings etc, get assimilated into that project. If you’ve started a blog, YouTube channel or written a book you put everything you know about life into that project. And when you begin another project you realize that you have to learn a lot of new things. Because your creative well of thoughts and ideas has completely run dry and you instinctively feel the need to fill it up again. You’ll read and travel again and this is called curiosity. You’ll be curious to learn new things so that you’ll be able to create something new. This begins a new cycle of learning and creating new things. This causes tremendous growth and transformation and life changes. This exact same thing happened to me.

My first creative project was my novel ‘Keep Off the Grass’ I’d sit to write for an hour after work, without a care for what’d come out of it. I kept writing for a year and it turned into a book. I sent it to the publishers, no expectations, but it got published. Now when I began writing my second book I realized I was recirculating the same ideas because I had nothing new to offer. Then I brought change into my life. I began to read new things, began to travel and then wrote my second novel. It became my practice. I would look for new experiences for a creative project. So as a person, I became more curious and began to grow. I got the chance to become the CEO of The Discovery Channel because of my novels. I launched a TV channel. Then I got the confidence to launch my own company, White Hat Jr. And this started with that one hour when I would write my first novel. It took just one hour after work. So all you need is that one hour in which you can create something. And slowly you’ll see that your life will transform completely. Was this advice useful to you? I’m very curious to know what you’ll create. Do drop me a note in the comments. I read every comment. This is Karan Bajaj and I look forward to seeing you in the next video.

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